Displaying 21 - 30 results of 184 for "2024"
Where did the $1.9 billion Wellbeing Budget go?
This new Budget 2019 to Budget 2022 investment in mental health and addiction report focuses on where key mental health and addiction investments have been spent as of 30 June 2023. Published: August 2024.
Pacific people's wellbeing - the path to equitable outcomes webinar
Te Hiringa Mahara and Le Va co-hosted a webinar on supporting Pacific people's wellbeing in Aotearoa. The webinar shared and expanded on the findings of our Pacific wellbeing report which was released in May 2024. The report brought together an assessment of Pacific peoples mental health and
Mental health and addiction targets welcomed
measures and reports on these in the He Ara Āwhina dashboard. This helps us understand where there are pressures on the system and where improvements need to be made. In early June, the Commission released Kua Tīmata Te Haerenga | The Journey Has Begun, our 2024 mental health and addiction services
New report highlights Pacific wellbeing challenges
A report from Te Hiringa Mahara - Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission shows that more should be done to improve mental health and wellbeing outcomes of Pacific peoples. The report and data infographic was published on 23 May 2024.
Peer mental support role in EDs is a positive move
An announcement on 21 March by the Minister for Mental Health Matt Doocey that a new mental health and addiction peer support service will be set up in hospital emergency departments is a positive move.
Briefings to Incoming Ministers (BIMs) publicly released
In this document we provide our advice on priorities for the new government.
The Access and Choice Programme: Report on the first three years 2022
Choice Programme workforce development funding – the first three years was published in January 2024. This paper provides supplementary information about the workforce development funding made available through the Access and Choice Programme in Budget 2019. Read the supplementary paper here
Lived experiences of CCTOs report
12 July 2023 - This report looks at compulsory community treatment orders (CCTOs) made under section 29 of the Mental Health Act 1992. The focus is on amplifying voices of tāngata whaiora, whānau, and family.
Kaupapa Māori services report
27 June 2023 - This report provides an overview of investment into kaupapa Māori mental health and addiction services, sheds light on the significant disparities faced by Māori in mental health outcomes, and calls for the need for change to address these inequities.
Budget 2019 to Budget 2022 investment report
No summary available