Kawepūrongo me ngā Rauemi News and resources
Here are our media releases and news stories.
Displaying 31 - 40 results of 100 for "mental health and addictions services 2021/2022"
Working towards the transformation of the mental health and wellbeing system
being strong system oversight and an agency that really kept the pressure on the system and also governments to actually do better, and for the system to perform better. So we monitor mental health and addiction services and we also look at some of those wider factors such as housing, education, and
Could you access mental health or addiction support when you needed it?
A big thank you to everyone who gave us feedback on their journey accessing mental health and addiction services. We received over 300 responses through the data collection that we ran in November. This is now closed. We wanted to hear from people seeking help with mental distress or addiction: If
Technical Advisory Network
We are currently in the important stage of mahi (work) to develop the methods and measures for how we will monitor and assess the mental health and addiction system. Phase 1 of this work was completed at the end of 2022, and mahi will continue for measures where data does not exist or are not
Lived experiences of CCTOs report
This report looks at compulsory community treatment orders (CCTOs) made under section 29 of the Mental Health Act 1992. The focus is on amplifying voices of tāngata whaiora, whānau, and family. We heard that the clinical review and the court hearing processes involved in CCTOs can silence or
Mental health and addiction targets welcomed
The announcement of targets to address wait times and workforce pressures across the mental health and addiction system has been welcomed by Te Hiringa Mahara – Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission. “Access to appropriate services when and where they are needed is very important to people seeking
More investment needed for kaupapa Māori mental health and addiction services
More investment in kaupapa Māori mental health and addiction services is needed to ensure the support available meets the level of mental distress experienced by Māori. Despite funding increases over the past five years more needs to be done to achieve equitable funding. 
Report signals progress of Government’s response to He Ara Oranga, the inquiry into mental health and addiction
1992 is underway and there is hope that this can take a rights-based approach built in partnership with people. New legislation won’t be transformative by itself, and must be supported by other changes, such as expanding access and increasing choice for mental health and addiction services
2024 mental health and addiction services monitoring – update webinar
On 5 June 2024, we released Kua Tīmata Te Haerenga | The Journey Has Begun —our latest monitoring report on mental health and addiction services. This report focuses on access to mental health and addiction services and options available over the five-year period from July 2018 to June 2023.  
Broader focus on wellbeing needed to understand COVID-19 impacts
good mental health and wellbeing, services and resources are important, but not enough. People need to have their rights, dignity and tino rangatiratanga upheld; they need to feel valued and connected to their communities and their cultures; and they need skills, resilience, hope and purpose
Expert Advisory Group
-design of the vision of what a system of services, support, and approaches should look like for people and whānau who experience mental distress, substance use harm, or gambling harm (or a combination of these). The group included a Māori EAG which supported the development of a te ao Māori perspective