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Displaying 51 - 60 results of 100 for "mental health and addictions services 2021/2022"
Budget 2019 to Budget 2022 investment in mental health and addiction report downloads
This Budget 2019 to Budget 2022 investment in mental health and addiction report focuses on where key mental health and addiction investments have been spent as of 30 June 2023. We answer the question: ‘Where has the funding gone?’ This report shows where the Budget 2019 investment in the
Te Hiringa Mahara to continue to advocate for young people after Oranga Tamariki Bill passes third reading
that determine their wellbeing, as we work towards long-term transformation of mental health, addiction and wellbeing systems in Aotearoa New Zealand.” The numbers of young people involved are significant, he said. “There are 4,800 children and young people currently in the care and protection
New primary mental health and addiction support provides a welcome expansion, but gaps remain – new report
accessing specialist mental health and addiction services has decreased over a five-year time frame. In 2022/23, 3.4% of the population accessed a specialist service, a decrease from 3.8% in 2018/19. This is a drop of 9,000 people using these services. Of those seeking specialist support the decrease for
Independent Commission’s report highlights the importance of improving access and choice for mental health and addiction services in Aotearoa
recommendations in He Ara Oranga: Report of the Government Inquiry into Mental Health and Addiction , has a particular focus on people with mild-to-moderate mental health and addiction needs and improving access to primary mental health, wellbeing and addiction services, including in Kaupapa Māori, Pacific
The Initial Commission reporting
Treatment) Act 1992 Expanding access and choice to existing primary mental health and addiction services for people with mild to moderate mental health and addictions needs. Read and download the interim report: Downloads Upholding the Wero laid in He Ara Oranga pdf, 4.3 MB Download One-page summary of
Data phase/ He Ara Oranga wellbeing outcomes framework
many sectors to develop draft wellbeing indicators and measures for the framework. Two Technical Advisory Groups (TAGs) were set up – one focused on mental health and addiction (MHA) service level data and the other on population level data. These groups supported the Initial Commission to
Pacific people's wellbeing - the path to equitable outcomes webinar
, BAHons. Denise Kingi-‘Ulu’ave is a registered clinical psychologist of Tongan descent and the Chief Executive of Le Va, a national non-government primary prevention organisation. She has an extensive background in the Dept of Justice, primary and secondary mental health services, supervising staff
Treasury Te Tai Waiora Wellbeing Report reflects same youth wellbeing focus as Te Hiringa Mahara
their effects on wellbeing and mental distress. “Our 2021 Te Rau Tira Wellbeing Outcomes Report found that many people experienced positive wellbeing outcomes in home, schooling and community environments. However, it also reported that 23% of tamariki Māori lived in households with good material
Rural communities respond well to pandemic, despite challenges
these communities. “The geographies, economies and cultures of rural communities present challenges to mental health and wellbeing outcomes. This is particularly true with respect to isolation and connectivity, workforce challenges in the economy and health services, and uncertainty in
Achieving equity of Pacific mental health and wellbeing outcomes
analysis of well-established and respected data sources used across government to inform policy-making. And a qualitative aspect which provides case studies of initiatives that are succeeding in promoting Pacific Peoples’ mental health and wellbeing, which may act as a model for future work