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Displaying 61 - 70 results of 100 for "mental health and addictions services 2021/2022"
Te Huringa Tuarua: Mental Health and Addiction Service Monitoring Reports 2023
Access and Choice programme Workforce vacancies in specialist adult mental health and addiction services have doubled between 2018 and 2022, and we want to see a clear strategy and roadmap to address growing workforce shortages Coercive practices continue to be widely used, particularly for Māori and
Mental health and wellbeing must be a high priority in health system transformation
and wellbeing is to people and echo their calls for a continued focus on delivering tangible improvements.” The Commission welcomes the much-needed investment in primary and community care since 2019, the Budget 2022 investment in specialist mental health and addiction services, and the
Congratulations to Taimi Allan on new role as SA Mental Health Commissioner
growth of our lived experience and broader mental health sector networks across both countries,” she said. Board chair Hayden Wano said “it will be sad to lose Taimi’s commitment and decades of involvement in services. She brought her whole life experience to the work of transforming our mental health and addiction system. We will miss Taimi and wish her well with this new leadership role.”
Rolling out more options for crisis care
‘alternatives’, we acknowledge that inpatient units are an important part of the mental health ecosystem. These inpatient services can be under pressure so providing more acute options will benefit everyone. Our role is to bring to the fore the voices of lived and living experience, whānau
Co-development phase - public consultation feedback
The He Ara Āwhina co-development phase ran from March 2021 to June 2022. A draft version of He Ara Āwhina went out for public consultation for six weeks from 8 March to 19 April 2022. We supported many ways for people to share feedback such as via email, LinkedIn, mail, voice message
Karen Orsborn: Full impact of COVID-19 on mental health yet to be seen
people's lives, have not always been as visible as the immediate health impacts of contracting COVID-19 and getting well again, but they are just as real. Mental health services and addiction services have continued performing at pre-COVID-19 levels, which is a substantial achievement
Speaking up about the Pae Ora amendment bill
) Amendment Bill are currently being considered by the Health Select Committee. Read our submission (PDF 175 KB) When the Pae Ora (Healthy Futures) Bill was introduced by the previous government in October 2021, we advocated for the inclusion of a mental health and addiction strategy under the legislation
Te Hiringa Mahara welcomes Health Quality and Safety Commission report on the mental health impacts of COVID-19 on Aotearoa
service and addiction service monitoring report, Te Huringa: Change and Transformation , highlighted that mental health services and addiction services had maintained pre-pandemic levels of services, despite the disruption and competing demands from the pandemic response. Both the Commission
Covid-19 Insights Series - Supporting wellbeing after a crisis
local social hubs, such as marae and libraries, are up and running, putting face-to-face support in place such as carer and social worker visits, opening schools, and ensuring the community services and volunteers that are reaching into communities are supported Supports, including access to mental
Conceptual framework
Commission started this work, they wanted everyone to be able to have their say on how the system will monitor, measure and improve our country's mental health and wellbeing. However, due to COVID-19 they had to change their approach and target organisations that represent the people and diversity of