Te papatohu aroturuki He Ara Āwhina dashboard

Data about mental health and addiction services in Aotearoa New Zealand

This dashboard pulls together data about many aspects of New Zealand’s mental health and addiction services. This includes a wide range of measures covering primary and specialist services, including community and inpatient services.

The dashboard is available for use by anyone interested in understanding what is happening in New Zealand’s mental health and addiction system. This dashboard sits alongside the He Ara Āwhina monitoring framework and reports. 

The data is collated by Te Hiringa Mahara about services primarily funded through Vote Health sourced through many agencies. There are 68 measures in the dashboard. The most recent data available is for the financial year 1 July 2022 – 30 June 2023.

A key part of our monitoring framework  

A key role for Te Hiringa Mahara is to independently monitor the wellbeing, mental health and addiction system. We created this dashboard as part of a wider monitoring plan.

The data aligns with our monitoring framework He Ara Āwhina. This describes what an ideal mental health and addiction system looks like and is used to monitor the mental health and addiction system. He Ara Āwhina amplifies the voices of tānagata whaiora and whānau. It expresses each system aspiration from both a perspective of Te Ao Māori and a shared perspective, producing 12 domains in total.

Through the dashboard we can publish up-to-date data and make it more widely accessible than previously.   

Using the dashboard

The data is presented in an easy-to-use visual format. For many of the measures, you can dig deeper and look at measures broken down by demographics or other variables. 

You can view the dashboard on the webpage (see above), or look at the data in full-screen mode by opening in a new window.  
We are using Microsoft Power BI to display data. This has accessibility features built into the software. If you have any trouble accessing this, please get in touch. 

Tell us what you think

This is the second version of our dashboard, and we invite feedback on this. Our aim is to improve what we offer. Any feedback and suggestions are very welcome – please get in touch by email kiaora@mhwc.govt.nz

In time, we will monitor other mental health and addiction supports and services, and we will continue to make more detailed investigations into system-level change. 

Last updated: 5 June 2024